Author Archives: Dan Martin

WW1 Vehicles – 100 Years Later!

Old Steam Powered Vehicles

At the end you will be able to opt for several other videos of antique vehicles. Jay Leno will show you the workings of a 1906 steam tractor. You can also see a 1914 Fire truck video after that. The videos are all short, but quite interesting.

Watch the driver steer as he gets around the first turn. We’ve come a long way!

Classic Car Club of America Expands Full Classic Criteria

The Classic Car Club of America will soon change its Full Classic category definition to accept select cars from as early as 1915, its cutoff year currently having been 1925. Initially, its criteria included only cars built from 1925 to 1942 and had been expanded twice, but only for a handful of car lines.

For more, see “Full Classic” definition gets largest expansion in Classic Car Club of America history,  by Daniel Strohl, 8:59 am, here.