Author Archives: Dan Martin

Searchable History of Motor Sports

Holy cats, Jag lovers! Motor Sport Magazine has a searchable archive that covers the entire history of motor sport from 1924 to 2013. Amazingly, you don’t have to be a Motor Sports Magazine subscriber to read these articles. THANK YOU MOTOR SPORTS MAGAZINE !!!

Every page has been scanned and digitized, each article tagged and extracted so that you can search the whole archive by content, keyword, topic, location, and date. Check it out at

For example, I just found a letter in the July 1969 issue that talks about the XK not being fitted with the Jaguar Mascot.

Thanks to the Jaguar Club of Central Arizona’s newsletter and for Jack Humphrey for pointing us to this site. Of course, thanks to Motor Sports Magazine for making this available. What a great resource!

Pueblo Air Blitz Air Show & JCSC Dinner


The Father’s Day, June 15,  is rapidly approaching and what better way to spend the day than at the Pueblo Air Blitz air show along with the Jaguar Club of Southern Colorado.    We plan to meet at Jaguar Colorado Springs around 8:45 A.M. and caravan to the Pueblo Airport for the air show and to visit the Weisbrod Air Museum.

Following the air show, we have reservations for a late lunch at the Gold Dust Saloon ( or 719-545-0741 for information on the Gold Dust) on the River Walk, 217 South Union Blvd, in Pueblo.

If you have not already sent an RSVP to me and plan to attend this show with the club, please let me know within the next day or two so we can confirm all reservations.
