JCSC Officers, Contacts, and Governing Documents

Club Contact Information

Mailing Address:
565 Automotive Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80905 USA
General Info
Phone: 719-302-1001
Email: Secretary@JagClub.org
Website: JagClub.org
President: LaRon Cosley
Email: President@JagClub.org
Vice President: Sarah Lingafelter
Email: VP@JagClub.org
Treasurer: Thom Buckley
Email: Treasurer@JagClub.org
Secretary: Hank Krause
Email: Secretary@JagClub.org
Past President: Lonnie Spanswick
Email: PastPres@JagClub.org
Newsletter Editor: Hank Krause
Email: Editor@JagClub.org
Membership: Thom Buckley
Email: Membership@JagClub.org
Events: Aaron Cosley
Email: Events@JagClub.org
Chief Judge: Jack Humphrey
Email: ChiefJudge@JagClub.org
Ad Sales: Thom Buckley
Email: AdSales@JagClub.org
Traveler Contact: Thom Buckley
Email: TravelerContact@JagClub.org
Social Media Coordinator: TBD
Email: Social@JagClub.org
AGM Delegate: Jack Humphrey
Email: AGM_Delegate@jagclub.org
Concours Chair: Lonnie Spanswick
Email: ConcoursChair@JagClub.org
Webmaster: Jack Humphrey
Email: Webmaster@JagClub.org

Governing Documents

JCSC Bylaws

©This entire site and its contents, displayed or not, is COPYRIGHT 2007-2020 JAGUAR CLUB OF SOUTHERN COLORADO